Aurelius förvärvar Bring Frigo, Sveriges största bolag inom tempererad livsmedelslogistik, från statligt ägda Posten Norge.


Vi er glade for at byde Bring Frigo velkommen til Aurelius Group, siger Leif Lupp, der administrerende direktør for Aurelius Nordics, i prfessemeddelelsen. Bedre betingelser for udvikling I samme pressemeddelelse udtaler Bring Frigos bestyrelsesformand, Thomas Tscherning, at Aurelius er godt positioneret til at tage virksomheden videre og udvikle forretningen yderligere på et

Bring Frigo AB i Sverige säljs till investeringsbolaget Aurelius. Läs fler logistiknyheter från Branschaktuellt® Mar 29, 2021 Munich / Stockholm, March 29, 2021 - AURELIUS acquires Bring Frigo, headquartered in Helsingborg, Sweden, from Posten Norge, the  Transaktion gelungen✔︎: INTARGIA- a valantic company hat die AURELIUS GROUP erfolgreich bei der Übernahme von Bring Frigo von der Posten Norge AS  29. mar 2021 Det Posten-eide selskapet Bring Frigo AB i Sverige selges til det tyskbaserte investeringsselskapet Aurelius, skriver Posten i en børsmelding  Apr 1, 2021 Aurelius said the acquisition of AutoRestore will further strengthen its fleet European Consumer Battery Business Units as well as Bring Frigo,  Aurelius Equity Opportunities SE & Co KGaA (AR4X:GER) company profile with Bring Frigo AB, Announced, 29 Mar 2021, 29 Mar 2021Announced, 4.67%, --. Bring Frigo Warehouse AS is located in RUD, VIKEN, Norway and is part of the Warehousing & Storage Industry. AURELIUS Equity Opportunities SE & Co. 5 Advantages Automation Can Bring To Your Warehouse Operation. 1 week ago BringFrigo on LinkedIn: German Aurelius Buys Swedish Bring Frigo AB. 29. März 2021 Die AURELIUS Equity Opportunities SE & Co. den Start: So übernimmt der internationale Multi-Asset-Manager die schwedische Bring Frigo,  Vinge is advising Posten Norge in connection with the sale of the wholly owned subsidiary Bring Frigo to the German company Aurelius.

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Die Transaktion ist Folge einer Portfolioüberprüfung von Posten Norge, die sich auf ihr Kerngeschäft konzentrieren wird. aurelius buys bring frigo from posten norge. march 29 (reuters) - aurelius equity opportunities se & co kgaa ::aurelius acquires bring frigo from posten norge.acquisition of a specialist AURELIUS Group: AURELIUS acquires Bring Frigo from Posten Norge Mar 29, 2021 DGAP-News: AURELIUS Equity Opportunities plans to pay a dividend of EUR 1.00 per share for the 2020 financial year and to AURELIUS Group, especializado en la gestión de activos, adquiere Bring Frigo, con sede en Helsingborg, Suecia, de Posten Norge, el Norwegian Post. La transacción es el resultado de la revisión de Posten Norge de su cartera que resultó en un enfoque más fuerte en su negocio principal. Aureliuksen mukaan Bring Frigolla on Ruotsin laajin logistiikkaverkosto. ”Bring Frigon toimintaa aiotaan laajentaa myös Euroopan markkinoilla”, sanoo tiedotteessa Aurelius Nordicin toimitusjohtaja Leif Lupp. Bring Frigo ylti vuonna 2020 noin 350 miljoonan euron liikevaihtoon ja yhtiössä on 950 työntekijää.

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2021-03-31 · Aurelius neemt Bring Frigo, marktleider in de Zweedse temperatuur gecontroleerde voedsellogistiek, over van het staatsbedrijf Posten Norge. Met een nieuwe eigenaar kan Bring Frigo het aanbod van logistieke diensten van het bedrijf verder ontwikkelen en daarbij onder de oude naam Frigoscandia gaan opereren.

Munich / Stockholm, March 29, 2021 - AURELIUS acquires Bring Frigo, headquartered in Helsingborg, Sweden, from Posten Norge, the Norwegian Post. The transaction is a result of Posten Norge’s review of its portfolio which resulted in a stronger focus on its core business. München / Stockholm, 29.

Bring Frigo är marknadsledande inom tempererad logistik i Sverige och har ett internationellt nätverk i Sverige, Danmark, Finland, Holland, Frankrike och Norge. Koncernen omsätter ca 2,4 miljarder kr och har ca 900 anställda. Vinges team bestod i huvudsak av Johan Winnerblad, Desirée Sjöblom, Viktor Lennartsson och Jessica Öijer.

Försäljningen förutsätter godkännande av den norska konkurrensmyndigheten. Bring Frigodriver verksamhet inom tempererad logistik i Sverige och driver ett internationellt nätverk i Sverige, Danmark, Finland, Nederländerna, Frankrike och Norge. 2021-03-29 Munich / Stockholm, March 29, 2021 - AURELIUS acquires Bring Frigo, headquartered in Helsinborg, Sweden, from Posten Norge, the Norwegian Post (. The transaction is a result of Posten Norge's review of its portfolio which resulted in a stronger focus on its core business. The transaction is executed by AURELIUS Equity Opportunities SE & Co AURELIUS will support Bring Frigo in the carve-out process from Posten Norge to ensure a smooth continuation of daily business activities and the successful establishment of the company as an independent entity. “We are very pleased to welcome Bring Frigo – one of the Nordic market leaders in temperature logistics – to AURELIUS Group. AURELIUS acquires Bring Frigo from Posten Norge - Acquisition of a specialist for temperature-controlled logistics in the Nordics - Carve-out from Posten Norge, the Norwegian Post that is focusing on its core business - Sweet-spot AURELIUS carve-out transaction and 4 th Nordic portfolio company - As Nordics market leader in temperature logistics, Bring Frigo is well positioned to expand its Vinge advised Posten Norge on the deal.

With new owner Aurelius, Bring Frigo relaunches its former brand Frigoscandia . Aurelius acquires Bring Frigo, Sweden’s largest company in temperature-controlled food logistics, from state-owned Posten Norge. With a new owner Bring Frigo can further develop the co Munich / Stockholm, March 29, 2021 - AURELIUS acquires Bring Frigo, headquartered in Helsingborg, Sweden, from Posten Norge, the Norwegian Post. The transaction is a result of Posten Norge’s review of its portfolio which resulted in a stronger focus on its core business. AURELIUS acquires Bring Frigo from Posten Norge - Acquisition of a specialist for temperature-controlled logistics in the Nordics - Carve-out from Posten Norge, the Norwegian Post that is focusing AURELIUS acquires Bring Frigo from Posten Norge - Acquisition of a specialist for temperature-controlled logistics in the Nordics - Carve-out from Posten Norge, the Norwegian Post that is focusing on its core business - Sweet-spot AURELIUS carve-out transaction and 4 th Nordic portfolio company News: With new owner Aurelius, Bring Frigo relaunches its former brand Frigoscandia.
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Bring Frigo AB mener Aurelius er godt posisjonert for å ta selskapet videre og forbedre- og utvikle virksomheten videre i et konkurranseintensivt marked.

März 2021 Aurelius kauft die schwedische Bring Frigo von der norwegischen Post. Der Zukauf ist ein Anbieter von temperaturkontrollierter Logistik.
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AURELIUS acquires Bring Frigo from Posten Norge 29.03.2021. AURELIUS Equity Opportunities plans to pay a dividend of EUR 1.00 per share for FY 2020 and to increase the dividend in the following years 24.03.2021. Office Depot Europe has sold its Italian business to strategic buyer Bruneau 22.03.2021. AURELIUS acquires Panasonic’s European

Bring Frigodriver verksamhet inom tempererad logistik i Sverige och driver ett internationellt nätverk i Sverige, Danmark, Finland, Nederländerna, Frankrike och Norge AURELIUS will support Bring Frigo in the carve-out process from Posten Norge to ensure a smooth continuation of daily business activities and the successful establishment of the company as an independent entity. “We are very pleased to welcome Bring Frigo – one of the Nordic market leaders in temperature logistics – to AURELIUS Group. AURELIUS will support Bring Frigo in the carve-out process from Posten Norge to ensure a smooth continuation of daily business activities and the successful establishment of the company as an independent entity. "We are very pleased to welcome Bring Frigo - one of the Nordic market leaders in temperature logistics - to AURELIUS Group.

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Die AURELIUS Equity Opportunities wird daran nach Closing (das für das zweite Quartal geplant ist) wie geplant einen Minderheiten-Anteil halten. Das mit Bring Frigo hätte ich zwar gerne ganz bei Aurelius gesehen mit dem Rest hoffe ich, da ich die Einzelheiten dazu nicht kenne, gut Leben zu können.

AURELIUS will support Bring Frigo in the carve-out process from Posten Norge to ensure a smooth continuation of daily business activities and the successful establishment of the company as an independent entity. "We are very pleased to welcome Bring Frigo - one of the Nordic market leaders in temperature logistics - to AURELIUS Group. DGAP-Media / 29.03.2021 / 07:32 AURELIUS acquires Bring Frigo from Posten Norge - Acquisition of a specialist for temperature-controlled logistics in the AURELIUS Equity Opportunities publishes its Annual Report 2020: Very good annual results and positive outlook confirmed 31.03.2021; AURELIUS acquires Bring Frigo from Posten Norge 29.03.2021; AURELIUS Equity Opportunities plans to pay a dividend of EUR 1.00 per share for FY 2020 and to increase the dividend in the following years 24.03.2021 München / Stockholm, 29. März 2021 – AURELIUS übernimmt Bring Frigo mit Hauptsitz in Helsingborg, Schweden, von Posten Norge, der norwegischen Post. Die Transaktion ist Folge einer Portfolioüberprüfung von Posten Norge, die sich auf ihr Kerngeschäft konzentrieren wird. 2021-03-29 · 29.03.2021 - DGAP-Media / 29.03.2021 / 07:32 AURELIUS acquires Bring Frigo from Posten Norge - Acquisition of a specialist for temperature-controlled logistics in the Nordics - Carve-out from Vinge advised Posten Norge on the deal.

May 18, 2017 Follow the life of Br. Fred Dilger, OFM, Franciscan Friar living in Philadelphia, PA and working at St. Francis Inn. This is Episode 1 of the series.

Proximo approaches a statue of Marcus Aurelius, and kisses it with his fingers as he says "Good to see you again old friend. Bring me fortune." Juba and  AURELIUS Group: AURELIUS acquires Bring Frigo from Posten. Marketscreener. com Mar 29, 2021 · AURELIUS Group is a pan-European investment group  Letter from a Lover is a side quest in Dragon Age: Inquisition. A letter at an abandoned campsite instructs a young man to bring Felandaris to a tree where a   Kirk to Claudius, as Spock and McCoy compare Earth history with that of 892-IV.

AURELIUS Equity Opportunities plans to pay a dividend of EUR 1.00 per share for FY 2020 and to increase the dividend in the following years 24.03.2021. Office Depot Europe has sold its Italian business to strategic buyer Bruneau 22.03.2021. AURELIUS acquires Panasonic’s European 2021-03-29 Aurelius acquires Bring Frigo, Sweden’s largest company in temperature-controlled food logistics, from state-owned Posten Norge. With a new owner Bring Frigo can further develop the company’s offer and start operating under its former name Frigoscandia. Aurelius förvärvar Bring Frigo. Bring Frigo återgår till Frigoscandia. Läs mer.