19 nov 2019 att föräldraskap och familjeförhållanden formas genom politik och lagstiftning, liksom av samhälleliga Kohler Riessman, Catherine (1993): Narrative analysis. Newbury Park: Wasshede, C. (2010). Passionerad Politik.


En samrådsgrupp av engagerade och oroliga boende bildades, bland dem den här debattartikelns medförfattare Thomas Dahlgren, Anders Lundberg, Karin Löfgren, Fredrik Nord och Cathrin Wasshede, och dialogprocess pågår sedan dess. Vita Björn är ett område med ca 400 hyreslägenheter uppförda på sextiotalet.

Om motstånd mot heteronormativ könsmakt. (2010). Cathrine. Wasshede. 5 Ordet ”göra” syftar på att något aktivt pågår. En handling eller ett.

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Pris: 330 kr. häftad, 2010. Skickas inom 2-5 vardagar. Köp boken Passionerad politik : om motstånd mot heteronormativ könsmakt av Cathrin Wasshede (ISBN  Passionerad politik : om motstånd mot heteron av Cathrin Wasshede. Häftad bok. Bokbox förlag.

Hittade 1 avhandling innehållade orden Cathrin Wasshede.

Wasshede, Cathrin (2010). Passionerad politik: om motstånd mot heteronormativ könsmakt (doktorsavhandling). Malmö: Bokbox. Wedin, Eva-Karin (2009).

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Hagbert, Pernilla; Larsen, Henrik Gutzon LU; Thörn, Håkan and Wasshede, Cathrin Mark Book/Report Book Migration and Hybrid Political Regimes: Navigating the Legal Landscape in Russia

p.1825-1836 Mark Cathrin Wasshede. This open access book seeks to understand how politics is being made in a pluralistic sense, and explores how these political struggles are challenging and transforming gender This book brings together ten researchers from various disciplines: Sociology, Anthropology, History, Geography,Art, Urban Planning, Landscape Architecture and Political Science to bring their own reflections on the unique Community that is The Making of Protest and Protest Policing: Negotiation, Knowledge, Space, and Narrative 1677 Bog ; 1545 Bidrag til avis - Avisartikel ; 1529 Bidrag til avis - Anmeldelse ; 1104 Konferencebidrag i proceedings ; 995 Encyclopædiartikel ; 966 Anmeldelse ; 914 Ph.d.-afhandling 2021-3-22 · About Mikela Lundahl Hero. Areas of interest Although my research has covered a broad range of topics, I return to a number of central concepts which represent my primary intellectual interests, the most important being power and how it operates through categorisations such as race, gender, sexuality, class, identity and culture. Naturally, queer, gender, whiteness and postcolonial theory have Lundahl Hero, Mikela Johansson, Anna Laskar, Pia Martinsson, Lena Mulinari, Diana Wasshede, Cathrin Pluralistic struggles in gender, sexuality and coloniality: challenging Swedish exceptionalism 2021 Samlingsverk (redaktörskap) (Refereegranskat) Lundahl Hero, Mikela Johansson, Anna Laskar, Pia Martinsson, Lena Mulinari, Diana Wasshede, Cathrin Pluralistic struggles in gender, sexuality and coloniality: challenging Swedish exceptionalism 2021 Collection (editor) (Refereed) 2009-1-1 · Free Online Library: Angry young men? Masculinities and emotion among young male activists in the global justice movement.(Report) by "The Journal of Men's Studies"; Women's issues/gender studies Social sciences, general Anger Demographic aspects Men's studies Social movements Psychological aspects Caring (in) Diaspora: Aging and caring experiences of older Turkish migrants in a Swedish context 2015-4-1 · Free Online Library: Coming out as gay: a phenomenological study about adolescents disclosing their homosexuality to their parents.(Report) by "Social Behavior and Personality: An International Journal"; Psychology and mental health Coming out (Homosexuality) Research Parent and child Parent-child relations Social acceptance Research Portal.

Cathrin Wasshede. Wasshede, Cathrin. (2010). Passionerad politik: om motstånd mot heteronormativ könsmakt.
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I Fronesis nummer 25-26 medverkar även Sara Ahmed, Geoff Eley, Cathrin Wasshede, Eva Schmitz, Sara Edenheim, Svenska Akademien med flera. Published 2 April 2008

Cathrin Wasshede - fakta, böcker och kuriosa om författaren Cathrin Wasshede. Passionerad politik : om motstånd mot heteronormativ könsmakt av Cathrin  Sökning: "Cathrin Wasshede". Hittade 1 avhandling innehållade orden Cathrin Wasshede.

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Dnr: FAK4 2007/4 Estetisk-filosofiska fakulteten Genusvetenskap. Litteraturlista. Gäller från och med vt 2010 . Kurskod: GVGC20 Genusvetenskap, 30.0 hp (Gender Studies III, 30.0 ECTS)

Masculinities and emotion among young male activists in the global justice movement.(Report) by "The Journal of Men's Studies"; Women's issues/gender studies Social sciences, general Anger Demographic aspects Men's studies Social movements Psychological aspects Caring (in) Diaspora: Aging and caring experiences of older Turkish migrants in a Swedish context 2015-4-1 · Free Online Library: Coming out as gay: a phenomenological study about adolescents disclosing their homosexuality to their parents.(Report) by "Social Behavior and Personality: An International Journal"; Psychology and mental health Coming out (Homosexuality) Research Parent and child Parent-child relations Social acceptance Research Portal. Find researchers, research outputs (e.g.

2021-4-8 · Presentation Håkan Thörn is Full Professor of Sociology. He is also coordinator for Forum for Research on Civil Society and Social Movements (CSM-RESIST) and for the theme Global Social Relations at the Centre for Globalization and …

In her words: It is obvious that the rainbow flag is a very topical and emotive actant—and an empty signifier—in the Swedish political arena. bad dig bli min biträdande handledare.

Cathrin Wasshede var opponent på slutseminariet. Dina insiktsfulla kommentarer bidrog både till en bättre avhandling, och till att slutseminariet blev en givande och trevlig tillställning. Tack till Johanna Esseveld för kommentarer på slutseminariemanuset.